Donate nowTwo shifts system: an education challenge

Current Situation

The school currently operates on a two shifts system, where one set of students attend classes from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and the second set of students attend classes from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm. 


The two shifts system has been identified as a leading cause for the poor performance of students in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), taken at the end of Junior Secondary School level (JSS3/Grade 9) and the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), taken at the end of Senior Secondary School level (SSS3/Grade 12).

Girls in class


  • Children in the afternoon shift not being at their mental best at that time of day
  • The afternoon shift teachers tend to have other jobs they do in the morning so by the time they teach in the afternoon the quality of their teaching output is subpar
  • There is not enough quality contact time between students and teachers
  • Poor enforcement of regular and punctual school attendance for both teachers and pupils


Happy Girls in class

Expected outcome from eliminating the second shift

  • Improved learning environment
  • Measurable improvements in the performance of students who take the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

Remodeling projects to support the move from two shifts to one shift

  1. New Classroom building project – containing 8 classrooms (estimated cost: $270,000)
  2. Converting a dilapidated and unused building to provide additional classrooms (estimated cost: $80,000)
  3. Refurbishment projects:


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We appreciate your support and generous contributions as we make this vision a reality



  • Aerial View of the New Building Project
    Aerial View of the New Building Project
  • Classroom Layout in the New Building Project
    Classroom Layout in the New Building Project
  • Library Layout in the New Building Project
    Library Layout in the New Building Project
  • Side View of the New Building Project
    Side View of the New Building Project
  • The New Building Project Under Construction
    The New Building Project Under Construction
  • Front of the Science Building
    Front of the Science Building
  • Side of an Existing Classroom Building
    Side of an Existing Classroom Building
  • Back of an Existing Classroom Building
    Back of an Existing Classroom Building